Yo paisehs yesterday nv go post wor's tmr exam :( help help help! oral de lei.teacher say i tok like beng beng de :l i scared i fail.shld i admit dat i like her?i think that she block me in msn or something... jus asking :l if wan jus put yes on de tagbox if more den 50 i tell lor :l but damn kan chiong darren ho jus say dat chong weng so hao lian,he say cw say ppl can but ppl say him cannot.i also feel a lila liddis lah.tmr going khatib with shaowei and sam :DDDDDbuy dm wahh tis comp damn lag.wanna kill myself sehs so mani homework. K lah no words to gong liao.Zao liao bye bye
saved the world at 6:35 PM ;
Yooo today jus finish my day at sch. went running crazy wit sam LOL! to buy duelmasters he qing me den i choose 1 he choose 1. I sibei lucky tio 1 super rare he tio nth LOL! LOL! LOL! mrs chan makeup until so er xin. now so good mrs chan nv beat me liao *claps* Lol jervenne u keep saboing hui qi de hor :l k lah i think today nt much to say lah :l wear slippers go sch so shiok tmr maybe wear sch shoes liao T.T
byee byee
saved the world at 1:54 PM ;
Aiyoh today stoopid got science new south wales(i tink call liddis lah) nv learn damn hard sia.Still got social studies quiz any how rite,pearlyn sibei funny rite de T or F question all T LOL!wah so pek chek sia mrs chan keep pickin on shaowei beating him haha saturday have oral test...KAY G2G Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
saved the world at 4:51 PM ;

Wah lan wei today teacher siao babi anyhow hit ppl bo song don come lah fking nabei ppl nv irritate her she come whack ppl i oso tio pinch wah fuck. worst of all stupid siuying copi ppl name she oso got tok right? still copi our name only,she oso got tok to nicole mah.Mom jus bought some bling bling with my aunt suite man ai ya 1 day by 1 day die lor now teacher crazy de last time mrs chan better now kena pregnant call 1 siao babi teach us. Kay lah not much to say abt today so erm.... SAYONARA!!! *waves*
saved the world at 5:07 PM ;

This one hor bengify the items the leh :l quite nice lah just
click here
saved the world at 3:55 PM ;
T.T Sunday Agains.Aiyoh 1 day by 1 day lors :l so much homework sehs :( kill mee pls,
i wan die rather den live.2 more month to i-phone released in S'pore! bo lui buy T.T
wish to struck lotteryden can buy liao LOL! OMG my mom lost 50+ dollars cos robber go to shop and steal ai yoh now she bo lui liao so ker lian :l hope form teacher won't come tmr!Kays g2g will tag tmr FALL OUT BOY RULES!!!! :l
saved the world at 2:23 PM ;
Friday 20 April
Yesterday's Sports Day is so damm so hot and shout like gila babi,den nth do just see dose smexxi girl and gayish boys run den sit dere nth do like erm.... kind fk too den get de big na bei bangala scold me,scold my hole generation all pros na bei wan hit his birdy den jervenne so hao lian tio silver for long jump only put in msn like she so pr0.So like damm hawt den nan chiau got some siao char bor act cheerleader wear miniskirt some guys can't get deir eyes of dem(excluding me XD) dat's how we spend the day yeah :l until arnd 4+ den play table tennis with some guys until 5.30 when teacher tell us leave sch facility . Kays Cya Guys :D .
Kays gotta run
22 April 2007
T.T Sunday Agains.Aiyoh 1 day by 1 day lors :l so much homework sehs :( kill mee pls
i wan die rather den live 2 more month to i-phone released in S'pore! bo lui buy T.T
wish to struck lotteryden can buy liao LOL! OMG my mom lost 50+ dollars cos robber go to shop and steal ai yoh now she bo lui liao so ker lian :l hope form teacher won't come tmr!Kays g2g will tag tmr FALL OUT BOY RULES!!!! :l
saved the world at 10:59 AM ;